Welcome to the Animorphs Podcasts Directory! A fan-run site dedicated to inventorying and publicizing every current and past Animorph fan show online. Scroll down to see many great shows, or learn more about the world of Animorph Podcasting!
“Just a Book” Club
Rowan’s university professor told him the books he loved in middle school were just books. They weren’t good enough to discuss in literature class. Well, here’s a podcast for all those books that…
The Yeerky Boys: An Animorphs Podcast
Will, a lifelong Animorphs aficionado, and Jonathan, a lapsed fan, read through K.A. Applegate’s iconic series of books together to see how it holds up today. Over the course of the show, they’ll…
Anidorks: An Animorph Podcast!!
Is Rachel stupidly brave or lovably impulsive? Are Taxxons unambiguously evil or just another victim of the anti-swarm agenda? Is a cockroach morph ever just a cockroach morph? Read along with three friends…
Circle Yeerk: An Animorphs Podcast
We read and recap the cult favorite pre-teen book series Animorphs by KA Applegate. No hosts were harmed by yeerks during recording, even though Shani seems to remember nothing, ever.
A sci-fi book club where hosts Aram and Dylan discuss the entire Animorphs series, one book at a time.
Middle Morph Millennials
An Animorphs superfan drags her friends through the series!
Thought-Speak is a podcast dedicated to two adults diving back into a book series from their childhood and seeing what holds up. Going through the entire Animorphs saga, you can bet that they’ll…
The Millennial Agenda
People think Millennials are out to ruin the world, he’s just trying to survive it. Join Josh Gunderson as he navigates life in the best way he knows how- with laughs and a…
Sporadic Phantoms
Follow environmentalist investigators Robin, Stevie, and Kyle as they look into a seemingly innocuous community organization called The Sharing- which they discover is linked with suspicious, environmentally destructive activities, and possibly something far…
The Escafil Files
An Animorphs podcast and collaborative book club, The Escafil Files is a book analysis podcast where one die-hard fan and one newbie start yet another podcast about Animorphs, the children’s book series by…
Centipedes and Slugs
Join Maddie (a Yeerk sympathizer) and Lydia (a Taxxon enthusiast) as they explore each book in K.A. Applegate’s ANIMORPHS series. Do you like deep dive character analysis? We’ve got that. Do you like…
An in-depth look at all things animorph. The beloved Young Adult novel series (and T.V Show) by K. A. Applegate. Tune in each episode for mockery, morphs, and of course, morons. Title image…
Animorphing Time Podcast
a leftist animorphs podcast that would like more Taste, hosted by @batenoydand @ufirvwo, Black Lives Matter, no TERFs.
An Animorphs Book Club Podcast
Someone who read all the Animorphs books like ten years ago introduces them to a few friends.
The Morph Report
100 years after the Yeerk War, intrepid college students Cassandra, Erso, Parker, and Brad conduct their class discussions remotely while quarantined in their homes. Each week they read an Animorph’s Journal and analyze…
Andalite Bandits
Welcome to Andalite Bandits! A bi-weekly podcast where Austin and Beverly sit down and discuss each book in the Animorphs series.
“Each week we read a book from the 1990s middle-grade series The Animorphs and wax enthusiastic about the content, mull over the themes, and laugh at the ridiculous ’90s-isms. Ted and Jenny have…
Animorphs Aloud
A non-profit fan production of the Scholastic book series, The Animorphs, complete with character voices and special effects!
Animorphs Unabridged
Dramatic reading audio performance of one of my favorite childhood book series.
Jash Reads
“I read books all the way through. Currently reading the Animorphs series. From time to time I put out reviews. Current Filming Schedule:Mondays = Animorphs Dramatic Readings. Wednesdays = Reviews. Fridays = Animorphs…
Animorphous Discussion
In 1996, K.A. Applegate invaded our hearts with the first installment of the series Animorphs. Robin has loved the books ever since and decided to re-read all of them as an adult and…
Animorphs Anonymous
Kaycie a normal fan and Alex a rabid fan casually discuss the Animorphs one book at a time! Join us as we tackle the hard questions like why does Jake end up a…
Animorphs Initiative
Animorphs Initiative is a homebrew styled Dungeons and Dragons type tabletop game. It is heavily based and inspired by Animorphs by K.A.Applegate published through Schoolastic Books, and the TV series of the same…
Animorphs the Radio Drama Uncensored
Before podcasting even existed, Animorphs The Radio Drama Uncensored was a broadcast radio show out of KDUP in Portland Oregon. Follow along with three friends to read through a lot of the Animorphs…
Audiomorphs is the Animorphs podcast where I read every single book of the Animorphs. Out loud. A chapter at a time. Releases every Friday.
Fandalite Academy
“Welcome to the Fandalite Academy, your source for all the psychological and literary theory behind Animorphs that you neither wanted nor needed. We post episodes on alternate Sundays, so tune in once every…
Brent & Jenna’s weekly discussion of K. A. Applegate’s Animorphs series. New episodes every Friday!
Fanimorphs The Dork-Bajir Chronicles
We’re a group of three friends talking about the YA series, Animorphs. One is a veteran of the series, one read it as a kid but can’t really remember, and the last one…
The Earth is being invaded, but no one knows about it. When Jake, Rachel, Tobias, Cassie, and Marco stumble upon a downed alien spaceship and its dying pilot, they’re given an incredible power—they…
Minds at Yeerk
Every other week, three people who read Animorphs as kids and one who didn’t read and discuss another book in the series.
Morph Club
Two friends revisit the Animorphs! Join us while we laugh and cry about sad morphing teens and the horrible aliens who hate them.
Opinionated Animorphs Book Guide
This fantastic review of the series is a must-watch!
Project Animorphs
This is a fandub that is from the creator of Beyond the Stars: The Series. A new twist and take on the animorphs. Follow along in the audio series as it takes its…
The Hindsight
The Hindsight is a bi-monthly podcast, with new content released on the 1st and 15th of every month. Our first show will be available for download on October 1st, 2015. Your hosts, Hannah…
The Sharing
Have you ever read Animorphs: the 90’s Scholastic children’s book series about kids turning into animals to fight aliens? Well neither did my friends, so I forced them to. Now we gonna talk…
The Sulp-Niar Pool
The Sulp-Niar Pool is a podcast for the semi-serious and in-depth discussion of the YA book series Animorphs. Join Andrew and Diana every other week as they read each book in the series,…
The Wonder Yeerks
The Wonder Yeerks is a show where three doofuses (Sara, Blair, and Satah) re-read the books, re-watch the show, and talk about how much we love our morphing children.